Dialogues Online #5 “Self and Other: Hell, Dialogue or Mystery” with Daria Ziborova


Dialogues Online #5 with Daria Ziborova on “Self and Other: hell, dialog or mystery.”

Date: October 21, 2024.
Time: 18:00 – 21:30 (Ukraine)

Daria Ziborova –culturologist, philosopher, Egyptologist. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.



Dialogues Online #5 with Daria Ziborova on “Self and Other: hell, dialog or mystery.”

Date: October 21, 2024. Time: 18:00 – 21:30 (Ukraine)

Daria Ziborova –culturologist, philosopher, Egyptologist. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Who can another person become for us: a friend, a close friend, a stranger, an enemy? Let’s talk about meeting the Other, which is a condition for meeting ourselves. Let us consider three strategies of relationship, each of which reveals itself to us in a different way. From Jean-Paul Sartre’s solitary free subject, through Martin Buber’s I-in-dialogue, to Emmanuel Levinas’s mystery of the Other. How do we encounter the Other? How do we discover ourselves in our communion with the Other? Where are the limits of our freedom? How do others change us? Let us try to reflect on the possibilities of the Encounter with the Other and its consequences.

We will look at three different ways of relating to another person, which are based on similar foundations – sensitivity to otherness – but with different results. These three types of attitudes are three different worlds where very different stories of encounter and communication between people unfold.