Gestalt Dialogues #3 in Nice

“The starry sky overhead and the moral law within us fill the mind with a new and increasing admiration and awe, the more so the more often and more persistently we ponder it”

I. Kant

“The gait reveals whether one is already on his way….. But he who draws near to his goal dances.
… And though there is mire and thick sorrow on the earth – but he who has light feet runs over the mud and dances as on cleared ice. Lift your hearts, my brothers, higher, higher and higher! And do not forget your feet as well!
Raise your feet as well, you good dancers, or better yet, stand on your heads!”

“The meaning of a work is in the depth of the question posed, not in the unambiguity of the answer.”

Gestalt Dialogues is an educational, interdisciplinary, international project aimed at creating a space for reflection and assimilation of actual experience and the development of therapeutic identity.

We gather for the third time to continue to notice and reflect on the changes that are happening to us. And also to share our stories and realizations with people close to us.

Gestalt Dialogues #3 invites Gestalt practitioners (both those beginning practice and those with experience) to explore the professional transformations to which we are all inevitably subject.

To this end, we are continuing the Therapeutic Stories format. In this format, experienced colleagues will share with us their stories about how clients influence therapists, how professional transformations take place, how to prevent burnout and professional deformation.

There are 3 topics for polylogues in the program:

  1. Freedom or who owns the function of the Ego in a situation of metacrisis.
  2. Loss. Initiation. Personal philosophy.
  3. The time of mortals and the time of immortals.

The format of the event includes:

  • A dialog or polylogue on one of the specified topics;
  • Discussion in discussion groups;
  • Presentation of the therapeutic story (case study);
  • Collective Discussion;
  • Morning and evening “madness” (bodily practices).

Maximum number of participants: 45 people.

Venue: France, Nice

Event Schedule:

Arrival: 25.05.2025
Working days: 26.06.2025 – 28.05.2025 from 10:00 to 18:00
Nice Walking tour: 29.06.2025
Departure: 30.06.2025

Speakers presenting their “therapeutic stories”:

Olga Kadysheva
Psychologist, crisis psychologist, Gestalt therapist, leading trainer of NAGTU “Ukrainian Gestalt Institute”. Ukraine – France.

Victoria Shtroble
Practicing psychologist-sexologist, PsyD, valid trainer, accredited Gestalt therapist and supervisor at NAGTU, member of UASR, ABPP. Certified EAGT therapist. Director of the School of Psychology. Facilitator of training I and II stages, therapeutic and supervisory groups. Specialist in child and adolescent psychology, gender and family relationships, psychosomatic disorders, sexual dysfunctions and crises. Consultant to organizations and business owners. Work experience since 2002.
Kiev, Ukraine – Vienna, Austria.

Svetlana Jankakskaite-Grishanova
Pedagogue, Master of Educology, certified Gestalt therapist, founder of the psychological studio “Awareness”, Klaipeda, Lithuania.

Presenter of body practices:

Serafima Yol

Dancer and Gestaltist. I have been dancing both on stage and in the woods for over 10 years. Exploring dance. I believe in non-verbal dialogues as much as in verbal ones.
I will be happy to offer you bodily experiments at the Dialogues in Nice, to live the experience with both mind and body. There will be no choreography, but we will gently move.

Organizing Committee:

Olga Kadysheva, psychologist, crisis psychologist, Gestalt therapist, leading trainer of NAGTU “Ukrainian Gestalt Institute”. Ukraine – France

Mikhail Slutskin, psychologist, accredited Gestalt therapist and supervisor of the NAGTU “Ukrainian Gestalt Institute”, leading supervisory and therapeutic groups. Ukraine – Germany

Mikhail Baytalsky, philosopher, PhD in Philosophy, Gestalt therapist of HIGiP (Kharkov Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama). Ukraine – USA

Organizing fee:

  • If paid before March 1, 2025 – 250€
  • For payments after March 1, 2025 – 300€
  • If paid locally 350€

Cashless payment is possible in EUR or in UAH. On-site payment in EUR only.

We invite you to bring your relatives (spouses and children) as a free attendee; they will be able to participate in all activities for free if they wish (except for coffee break fees).

If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee of the school at